What you can expect:

  • Personalized

    Our intention is to join you where you are and give you the most intentional care. In your initial sessions, we will be dedicated to assessing your current mental, and psychological state and creating a personalized plan to fit your unique needs and goals.

  • Evidenced-Based

    We are committed to giving each client specialized, evidenced-based therapy. Our intention is to provide you with the highest quality of care in order to move toward healing.


What does the first session look like?

An initial session is 50 minutes. During that time, we will discuss the parameters of the counseling relationship and inform you of the theories and policies we adhere to. Further, we will gather your history, and desires for our time together, and set some goals for working together.

Why does Counseling cost?

It costs to host a counseling session—(Office space, utilities, supplies, etc.)

It costs to maintain a professional standing with the Health Board of Tennessee—(Licensing fees and memberships)

It costs to stay current as a counselor with research and training—(Continuing Education)

It costs to run a business— (Business taxes, bank fees, accountant fees, insurance, etc.)

What will I be paying for?

Essentially, our time as Licensed Professional Counselors, and Mental Health Service Providers.

Our time spent with each client is individualized and based on our professional education, training, and skills acquired over time. Each session is a labor of care and consideration where we intentionally, mindfully, walk with clients in their pain and trauma. Our time, energy, active listening skills, and clinical skill to help a client discern therapeutic movements toward healing in their life is the service we offer.

What is your fee structure and cancellation policy?

We are committed to providing clients with the highest quality, professional counseling service possible. Please inquire about current rates for counseling sessions. 

We do not accept insurance but can provide a superbill if you wish to submit the claim to your insurance company. Clients may pay with cash, check, or credit/debit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover). 

Clients are free to cancel or change a scheduled appointment provided a 24-hour notice has been given. Otherwise, we charge for a missed or dropped appointment.

Tell me about the counseling relationship and confidentiality:

The law protects the relationship between a client and a counselor. Any information shared with counselors from a current or potential client cannot be disclosed without a written release. However, there are some exceptions to this confidentiality (examples listed below).

Examples of exceptions to confidentiality include:

  • Suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse, for which we are required by law to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately.

  • If a client is threatening to harm another person/s, we must notify the police and inform the intended victim.

  • If a client intends to harm himself or herself, we will make every effort to help coordinate safety for this person. If they do not cooperate, we will take the steps necessary—without their permission—that is provided to me by law in order to ensure the person’s safety.